• assisiconventschooletah1@gmail.com
  • 05742297888, 9548288905, 05742357572

Vision and Mission

We, the Franciscan Clarist Sisters, filled and led by the Holy Spirit engaged in the apostolate of education, aim at the formation of an integrated  person with a mission of establishing the reign of God.

The acceptance of Fatherhood of God and universal brotherhood is the eternal invitation and goal of our education.  Our education imparts an appreciation of the Indian heritage and enables the students to imbibe its culture and ethos for building up a harmonius society.

Our target is education for all specially for the poor and the marginalized, recognizing the face of Jesus in them.


05742297888, 9548288905, 05742357572

Agra Road, Etah, Uttar Pradesh, Pin -465333

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